Dumpster Sizing Guide

What size dumpster is right for your project? It depends on the size of the project you are working on and the footprint you have available to place the dumpster. We’ve broken down each roll-off dumpster size by dimensions, common uses, and their capacity equivalent in full-size pick-up trucks to help you decide which one is right for you.

10 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions: 10' long, 7' wide, 4' high

Our 10 yard dumpster can serve almost any household job (except perhaps a major renovation). If you’re clearing out a larger garage or a basement, putting on a new roof or remodeling a small kitchen or bathroom. A mid-sized dumpster, like the 10 yard dumpster is likely a good fit for your project.

  • Construction/Landscaping Debris
  • Household Debris
  • Roof Shingles
  • Small home cleanout jobs
  • Useful with small driveways
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14 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions: 11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high

This is our medium-sized dumpster and is suitable for most remodeling jobs and garage clean-outs. The 14 yard dumpster, because of its shorter walls is ideal for significant waste disposal projects where discarded items will be thrown over the top.

Typically, we see this bin rented throughout the country for home downsizing and kitchen/basement renovation projects.

When the 10 yard dumpster is too small and the 20 yard dumpster is too big, our 14 yard container is your ideal choice!

  • Small to large home remodeling projects
  • Small to large home cleanout jobs
  • Useful with small driveways (footprint of a minivan)
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20 Yard Dumpster

Dimensions: 11' long, 8' wide, 6' high

Most commonly requested

This is our largest available dumpster and is suitable for major remodeling and other large home renovation projects. If you’re adding an addition to your house or clearing out grandma’s attic, our 20 yard dumpster might be the right fit.

Or, now that the kids are out of the house and you’re ready to downsize, it’s time to divest yourself of decades of toys, furniture, and other stuff you no longer need…

If you’ll forgive the paraphrase from Jaws, “You’re going to need a bigger bin.”

  • Construction
  • Household Debris
  • Furniture
  • Medium to large home clean out jobs
  • Flood / Fire Restoration
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Useful with small driveways
  • Estate Sale Auctions
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